Monday, January 28, 2013

Give a Little Love , you can get a little love of your own

Couple of weeks ago , I went to buy vegetables from ‘Horticorp’ – Kerala government’s outlet for fruits and vegetables. The vegetables are very reasonably priced and though not the best quality, I don’t have much complaints and last 5 years we have been buying veggies from there. Every day produce comes around 11 am and by the time they feed in the rates in the system  and get ready to sell its usually long queue till 1 pm and you can see the people being very impatient and rude while they stand in queue taking vegetables and paying bill.. I went around 12:30 anticipating lesser crowd , and yes there were just 3-4 people but each with 2-3 baskets of vegetables .... I decided I will not hurry and started picking vegetable, I was almost done and had around 7-8 items . It is around this time one lady came in, she was looking for Beans, the people at the shop were busy packing vegetables, I smiled at her and showed where the Beans was kept, she then picked 2 more items looked at me and stood behind me, when my turn of billing was about to come I looked at her and asked to bill hers as hers was only 3 items and I was not in too much hurry . She smiled at me and got her vegetables billed.

My next stop was at grocery shop where I had few items to pick, I was looking out for semolina, there were 2-3 sales women, but nobody offered any help , then suddenly I heard one woman asking ‘What are you looking for madam?’ I turned around and saw the same lady whom I had met at vegetable shop smiling at me . I said semolina, she got me one packet of it and asked me if I needed anything else – I smiled at her and said – so you work here, I figured out she had taken few minutes off her duty to buy vegetables and had to rush back to work. In recent past this was the best example of  ‘Give a Little Love , you can get a little love of your own ‘ I wanted to write this story the day it happened, but then thought its such a small incident ... then few days back I saw one of my friend commenting on her friend’s post – somehow I thought of checking the link and it was video on ‘ A few minutes of perfection’ and realized how important it has become to show little love, to show you care for people around you ....

Looking back recollect moments – when you had become Teddy bear for your friend/colleague who lost their dear one , when  you had rushed to help someone who had sprained leg or hand  while playing , when you saw a road accident happening rushing to pick the small girl/boy or adult  who had fallen on the middle of the busy road , at office when you saw your friend frustrated and instead of inquiring what is wrong, just giving the person confidence that this phase will also pass by, when you asked the bus driver to stop on seeing a person running to catch the bus, when you offered your seat to a senior citizen or pregnant women, when you offered to share your umbrella while walking in the rain, when you gave somebody lift while going to office, when you packed extra cookies, pasta or chicken for your children for them to share with their friends , when you helped a senior citizen/blind person cross road, when you helped your neighbor pack things while shifting, when you spent few hours with people at old age home or orphanage – listening to their stories, crying with them  or singing and laughing with them, giving some flowers or cookies or some token of appreciation, or just smiling and saying Hi to people whom you see almost daily working around you at different places .... Think about those moments and you will recognize how happy you were , how good the day had gone :)

Everybody is in rat race trying to be successful, trying to make name and mark , trying to prove being smarter than others around ... cut throat competition , and most of the time we get to hear stories of betrayal, foul play, playing favorites  using contacts for personal benefits, clash of ego, .... compared to that we rarely hear stories of sharing love, compassion or being unselfish .....  ..  am not saying that world is safe and perfect , people will betray you , you will feel cheated, taken for granted but  I understand how important it has become to share stories of sharing and caring , stories about unselfish love – of doing something without expecting anything  in return ... .. ‘Give a Little Love , you can get a little love of your own ‘

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