Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dumb Charades at KFC Trivandrum !

I was not a big KFC fan till last Sunday , but afternoon snack with my kids at KFC Trivandrum and am looking forward to more visits to KFC or places like KFC Trivandrum ! Yep , you read right places like KFC Tvm, not for the fried chicken, but for the people who work there . KFC  Tvm had been in news for all wrong reason, one search and you will know , worms found in chicken , kfc shut down will be the only news you will get to see. We are not very regular goers at kfc, and its usually once in a quarter that we go there to eat and even after all the worm stories, I was comfortable eating out there with my kids .

So this Sunday after almost 3 months after Sunday service and Esther’s Sunday school me and kids went to KFC for our lunch. Since Anil had some work at press club, he said he will join later. From our church at Spencer Junction KFC is hardly 10 mins walking distance, so I picked up Ezekiel and Esther came walking with me. It was a hot afternoon and when we reached the KFC door we were greeted by a young guy giving us a big genuine 32 teeth smile and bowing down while we entered – I also gave him back that 100 watt smile , I was also relieved to see that the place was not much crowded (it was around 12:15pm) I stood in the queue though there was just one person in front of me it took some time and while I waited I observed something ….

At the serving counter I saw 2 girls talking/communicating in Sign language, and then I observed 1 girl
was communicating with the young guy who had opened doors for us all in Sign language . I had learned basic of sign language during my ‘Scouts and Guides’ days at school, I observed them all the time while waiting – They all looked very smart in their uniforms, they were doing their work just like any other regular guy/girl talking busily and informing their team mates (all in sign language) – then my turn for giving order came which was taken by a Guy who could talk, and then he turned back and communicated in sign language with the 2 girls and the a guy , I was not too sure at that point of time if all of them had listening/speaking challenges …. Anyway I took my parcel gave it to Esther to take it to seat … Esther looked around and she found place for 4 , I made Ezekiel sit in one of the regular chairs and then another smart Guy came with the eating table chair for baby – I smiled at him and said ‘ I doubt if he will sit in that – last time he did not ‘ But he (Let me call him Alex) still went on and kept the chair , I said thank you to him , and then realized that he was communicating in sign language …

While me and kids sat their we were attended by 2 more guys, I found out 1 could talk and other could not , Ezekiel sat on the baby chair and enjoyed his meal of fried chicken, Esther was also observing the Dumb charades which was going on , ‘4 spoons’ ‘More tissues’, ’Water’, ‘Clean the table’ and then I told her – well it did not take me much to explain as she has a ‘ Ann Chechi’ in her Sunday school who also communicates through sign language …  End of our meal, I took Ezekiel to clean him up and then Esther wanted to use the Restroom, I made Ezekiel stand and to show Esther the restroom i went few steps with her, took me few seconds and then I saw Alex telling me in sign language that Ezekiel has started crying !I smiled at him and checked out Ezekiel .While leaving  I asked Alex  the smart fellow, in my own sign language ‘You don’t speak?’ he replied ‘No’ with a sad smiley and then I asked ‘Can you hear’ He responded in all enthu ‘A little’ with a big smile … I smiled at him and said  ‘Thank you for everything’ :)

As I said I am not a big fan of KFC – but after seeing these special Guys and Girls there, I’ve definitely become one. I respect KFC for the ‘Koshish’ they are doing in trying out ‘differently able’ young people at work … You should see the faces of these young people working there and you would know how good it feels to see the energy in these young Guys and Girls .Wonder why no media has observed this yet in TVM – but they could see the tiny miny worms so well… ….  (I don’t read the local vernacular media, might have missed it ..)
I Love KFC :)