Thursday, February 28, 2013

We don’t need no education ...

Today was Esther's last day of regular school in class 3. From tomorrow on they have study holidays (yep you read it right study hols for class 3 kids :)) for the annual exam starting March 4, So we thought of taking some photos of her with her classmates. I reached her school little early to pick her up and saw her walking down in a line along with her classmates, I called all of them to the park in their primary school campus itself on their way to catch the bus, all were so exited to see the camera and around 15 of them sat on the 4 level steps in the park . I was about to take the snap when the security guy came and started shooing the kids, i was not sure what was happening and asked him loudly what was the problem as I am the parent and he can talk to me if there is any problem, He said children are not suppose to sit in the park ! I was stunned!
In the primary school campus that is just one place where small kids can actually run around and play safely. 3 years back it was not all that well maintained but still had some swings and place to play, and i used to see kids running around and screaming after school hours. Last year I did not go to pick Esther, and this year I usually wait outside the school gate for Esther. Today since I had the plan to take snap I went inside and did observe that Park had become posh with all the carpet grass (which looks so artificial) and more flower pots painted neatly, swings and see saw repaired and painted freshly, but no children in the park, at that point of time I thought maybe because of the heat children are not there, but after seeing the security guy shooing them from park I knew it was not the heat it was the management which was keeping away kids from their park ... While coming back home Esther explained that ever since the renovation of the park has happened ,forget playing in the park, children are not even  allowed to sit on the concrete step !! How sad :(   How can people trained in child psychology, and education be so dumb ... how can experienced management (so called spiritually and intellectually be so illogical) ... what sort of product can we expect from schools were children are not allowed to play in park because they want to maintain park .....

Was reminded of the song , - Pink Floyd          

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the class room
Teachers leave those kids alone
Hey, teachers! Leave those kids alone! 

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