Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wonder – R.J Palacio.

When Esther did not get the book ‘Inkheart’ at the library, I happened to lay my eyes on the book ‘Wonder’ filled few pages and told Esther ‘ This seems to be good book, why don’t you try ?’ She took the book saw the cover, flipped few pages and took the book. Few days later when I asked her how is the book. She said she has finished the book and its ‘Very Good’ book. So when I had nothing else to read , I took Wonder and started reading. And I must say its wonderful book which I just could not keep down. In fact I feel this book should be ‘Must read book’ in every school for students age 8+ and their parents.

Very moving story, and it’s  amazing how author has woven stories of all the main characters in this novel along with the protagonist ‘August’ who has genetic facial defects. The story is not just about August’s daily struggle with his facial issues and surgeries and treatment and people’s attitude towards him, but it also tells the story of why people behave the way they behave. It has a way of drawing readers in so that each character is valued. The depth of the book comes from the perspectives of the other characters. Author has been very successful in showing why there is lack of empathy and kindness in general, and why it is more important for adults to set right examples and help children to develop appropriate social behaviour. How schools and teachers play important role in children’s emotional and social development.

The brilliance of author is there throughout the book – nowhere you get bored or get the feeling of being preached about. The book is convincing funny, truthful, hopeful, and heart-warming Great book about empathy and acceptance – Absolutely Must Read !

Reference Wiki - Palacio wrote Wonder after an incident where she and her three-year-old son were waiting in line to buy ice cream. Her son noticed a girl with facial birth defects and started to cry. Fearing he would react badly, Palacio attempted to remove her son from the situation so as not to upset the girl or her family but ended up worsening the situation

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