Thursday, November 22, 2012

Laddooo !!

Rava Laddu
 One of my big weakness is 'Sweets', as a kid I was more of the Namkeen person, hardly liked Mithai much , but with time, preference changed and now when people go to their home town, especially North India, my only demand is that of sweets. So today like any other day at office, I went with my brother gang for lunch at the food court, most of us had meals (Mallu thali with Fish curry), while we ordered I scanned the items kept on display , there was ‘Rava Laddu’ i.e Sujji Laddu , though not one of my favourite, but it was big laddu, looked very fresh and tempting , I thought I will try one after lunch … we all had lunch and after lunch I completely forgot about it …

Avalose Unda
when we were about to get into the lift I remembered about the laddu ! quickly I checked for change , I realised I don’t have change, asked Bro Ramu for 10/- , he said keep 20/- as you wont get anything for 10 /- .. , I took 20/- first went to the place where the Laddu was displayed , and asked “Ee Laddu enda vella “, (how much for this laddu) – the guy at the counter said , its Ravva Laddu and he does not know the rate , I need to ask at the cash counter … went there and was surprised to hear that it costs 7/- (only!) , I thought I will check one and if its good will take one more for the Ramu and Aamir bros … Laddu was actually great , just like home made, I happily bought one more for bros … while sharing with bros, aamir commented that I look contended and happy like a small kid who got his favourite chocolate … and I agreed , it was after long time I was having Ravva Laddu which reminded me of my childhood days , when during vacation Ammamma (Dadiji) used to make lot of ‘Avalos Undda’ (Laddu made out of Rice powder, coconut and Jaggery) and had to hide it from us (all cousins) so that we don’t finish it in single day !! Guess Esther will not get to know those simple pleasures of finding out the Laddu hide outs and stealing them …:)

Tricolor Ice Cream - :)
Celebrating Independence day 2011
 I do get these sudden impulse to have some thing sweet , the other day , I saw Ice Candy displayed at the food court and I told my brothers , I am going to have ice candy they all looked at me thinking I was joking, but after lunch I went and bought the candy … I was so impatient that I took out the Candy stick and started licking, all the way from 6th floor to 0 , everybody looked at me and smiled :) and my brothers were embarrassed and warned me not to repeat it again when they are with me :D So the next time when I felt like having Ice Candy, I bought, had the self control till we reached the ground floor, just outside the pantry where lot of people were having the tea/coffee and then I took it out Bright Orange color Candy and again many smiled at me, and few had their ‘Lalchai hui aankhein’ like small kids asking ‘ mujhe bhi thoda dogi’ :D I smiled at them and said it loud, “ am not sharing with anyone, you can get your candy from 6th floor food court “ everybody laughed at that :D but I realised it is fun to become kid like once in while , to leave your inhibitions and wear the innocence of kids … So what next .. Maybe ‘Gola’, ‘Kulfi’ or ‘Gol Gappe’ :)

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