Thursday, January 31, 2013


Not in my best moods, trying hard to think positive , ignore things which I don’t like to see or hear, trying to be more patient waiting for updates, and with my internet connection ...but still in my one of those bad moods .... the saving grace , I am keeping quite , sitting in front of my Old PC and hitting the keys ..

Ego – Sense of self - How many times we all have heard when not in good mood ‘Your Ego is the cause of most of the problem’ – how true, everybody’s Ego is the cause of problems around them. But that’s how nature is – every living thing has got Ego of its own. See around - animals, birds, insect and the most complicated of all – Humans (did I hear Woman !:D) .. If I leave my ‘Sense of self’ then its not Me for am no Mother Teresa or Saint, who can sacrifice self for the glory of god or world …

I think we all somehow learn to manage our Ego – though I never thought about this managing aspect but now thinking about it, I realise when somebody hurts my ego for silly things, my mechanism for defence (which is not the best one) is to be aggressive with the person and hurt back. With some other people, I lift their ego up, before they puncture mine and leave the place as soon as possible, at times when my ego is hurt I decide to keep quite with no reaction (this is the best way to annoy the other person, but requires lots of self control and patience -I lack both most of the time :)) sometime I just ignore (well it hurts the ego of the person I ignored, but then that’s a safer option) and at times I behave as if everything is absolutely fine, normal – did we have any problem?

Most of the time it’s the people around us whom we have to see daily or deal or work with daily with whom we have most of our ego clashes - hmmm ‘familiarity brings contempt’ :). I think it takes lot of maturity and courage to just smile on things which would hurt your ego and tell yourself ‘Let it go’, to tell yourself, that the other person does not deserve your attention or comment at that point of time, and that you will be spoiling so many neutral, pleasant, happy moments by allowing your Ego to get hurt – to tell yourself – you deserve better moments and with time and patience you will get better in and from life :)

“The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, person and family history, belief systems, and often nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you.”

― Eckhart Tolle

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