Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shadowy place we call our soul .....

David Frost (1939-2013)
Accidently while surfing channels, I paused a few seconds at a movie channel - English movie, i have not seen any of the actors before, realised that the time period of the movie was 70's and one the character was very familiar ..Saw the Name of the movie 'Frost/Nixon' - David Frost was the movie about David Frost !? googled and yes indeed it was David Frost and the movie was about his episode of TV interview with Richard Nixon, the only US president to resign ...

There is this phone conversation between Nixon and Frost where Nixon talks about ambition and ego and I quote '..The people who's respect we really wanted. Really craved. And isn't that why we work so hard now, why we fight for every inch? Scrambling our way up in undignified fashion. If we're honest for a minute, if we reflect privately, just for a moment, if we allow ourselves a glimpse into that shadowy place we call our soul, isn't that why we're here? Now? ' ... found these lines very thought provoking .. i liked the movie, not sure how much of it was actual fact and how much the drama, but i liked it. ..

I did not know anything about Nixon, but David Frost -- How can i forget the program which used to be telecasted in Doordarshan 'Guinness world records' hosted by David frost , His one liners and witty comments .. but thats all i knew about him , after watching the movie Frost/Nixon I was curious to know about Frost's life .. for watching the movie i came to understand that though a very successful TV personality - even Frost had to prove his calibre, even he had to fight against being stereotyped, and even he had to jump out of his comfort zone to prove and discover his other quality of being a journalist ...And also got to know little more about David Frost and got more convinced that nobody is perfect, the point is to do things what you love and believe in - you will have success and you will face failure , but you will be more in peace with yourself :)


  1. R.I.P. David Frost, i was wondering why his name is printed in my childhood memory, i got my confirmation here....

    1. Yes Abhishek , 'His Famous Hello, Welcome and Good Evening ...' you rightly said 'Printed in Childhood Memories' ....
