Thursday, January 9, 2014

Reconciliation …Reconnecting ...

Most of the Christians (non protestant) when they hear the word ‘Reconciliation’ the first thing which comes in their mind (I assume) is confessions  … and I believe not many (irrespective of any religion) feel comfortable at the thought of Confession … Last month attended few sessions during ‘MGOCSM global conference 2013’ Theme for the conference was Ministry through Reconciliation ….  I was not sure what to expect, happen to hear the inaugural speech and I knew I wont be able to sit through the sessions … So next day onwards I planned to attend only those sessions which Anil recommended ....... 

Anyway must admit that I was not too moved by the sessions, but there was one session which mentioned about ‘Prayer of St. Francis – Make me a Channel of your peace’ and that was something I could connect with …  I remember my Dad always had this prayer on his office table – Still remember the prayer was neatly written using stencils and he had that for years …. I never understood it completely then , but over the years it made so much sense ….  Reconciliation -  The reestablishment of friendly relations, conciliation or rapprochement  … its not just about confessing what wrong you did – its also about re-connecting establishing friendly relationship which is more difficult …. …

Recently we went for a family function , met lots of relatives and family friends,  and then saw one relative, who was very evidently was trying to avoid us , I asked  Anil if anything happened in recent past for such avoidance … to which Anil said ‘Not anything he knows off …. And then he added there are relationships which turn ‘Cold’ with time you cannot do much about it … hmmmm I thought , anyway when I came in front of this person, I smiled and said Hi Hello and moved on ….. but there have been cases where I have tried reestablishing friendly relations which had (and still are) turned cold, but I realize there is no point trying too hard if its just one sided effort ….. I realized probably my trying to re-connect disturbs the other person , so I stopped trying  … there have been  other case where I realized that there are people who are pushy .. who just want things to go their way .... It's easy to tell them it can't , if it can't .... but I also realize that I become obnoxious when I am with them, so I avoid them, telling them (or people close to them) why I am avoiding ….  ( there's no better way I could find) …

On Christmas last month I did not get much calls and messages , but Christmas morning the first call was from someone I used to be very close to … I was not expecting the call, because I knew the person was hurt somewhere because of my too straight forward nature,  we were speaking after 3-4 months , for me that call meant that ‘We are Ok and the person has heard what I had to say, and that it’s ok ‘ Reconciled …..

This new year eve unlike Anil who was getting lots of New Year wishes on mobile, I did not get any
message (and I was not expecting any message) , we slept around 10:30 me keeping alarm for next day 6:00 am , around 11 pm my mobile rang , I looked but there was no name displayed, I looked at the number, seemed familiar , since everybody at home were sleeping I took the call and sleepishly said ‘hello’ there was pause of few seconds from the other side and I heard ‘hey’ took me few seconds to place that familiar voice and I was happy to hear that voice and I said ‘HEY! So nice of you to remember and call’ … the person on the other end was my colleague , we have had good professional and personal relationship, but towards the end of my stay with the company the person had started avoiding me, avoiding me so much that I never got a chance to understand the reason ….. I was upset in the beginning, but then found my way of dealing with it, I behaved very normal when ever I could not avoid the person ….  The New year eve call was just few seconds long , saying Hey – happy new year , infact I was so surprised that I was not sure what to say and ended the call saying ‘Merry Christmas!’ :) but realized that’s the magic of  Reconciliation – Reconnecting … Its up to us ....

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