Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Where is the Star ?

This Monday Ezekiel got up and as usual went out to varandha and asked ‘Where is the Star ? ‘ We were having our morning tea and I told him – Star will come again next Christmas time .. He kept asking ‘Where is star, I want star …’   .. This Christmas season had been pretty peaceful, and festive at home. One week before Christmas, Esther said she wants to give cards to her teachers and classmates, but teacher has told them that it should be hand made cards and that she needs my help … hmmm, I said ok will do that  … then the next demand, ‘Mummy lets put the Christmas tree ‘ ,  … I said ok  will do that ., then the next demand  , ‘mummy why don’t we put crib ?’ … hmm , I said ‘ok will do that , but after your exams get over ‘ ….

So Dec 19th her exams got over and my started … We started with Christmas tree decoration – Anil pitched in here – First he put up the ‘Star’ and then assembled the tree  then  we told Esther and Ezekiel to decorate the tree , I was not sure how long the decoration will remain on the tree (Knowing Ezekiel will keep picking things from the tree) but surprisingly , Ezekiel not only kept away from picking decorations from tree but helped Esther setting up things for the tree -  Anil bought some lights for the tree and by evening we had the tree ready …

Next task –‘ handmade cards’ … Its been ages since I drew or took up
colors , I thought let me try one and then will tell Esther to buy cards if it does not work out … I started off with Esther Pencil colors , simple Christmas designs and used her broken necklace beeds to make them look interesting … Esther was thrilled and her list of cards to be given became longer …..  After the cards for classmates got over it was List of teachers, So I thought let me try out some water colors … found my water colors almost after 10-12 years (surprisingly most of the colors were usable :) )  and started off with some simple flowers , Esther was surprised that I had water color and that I could paint … I also remember my friend Veena , for suggesting that i should try my hand on hand made cards along with children instead of buying , and when I commented that I am not confident of doing such activity – she commented ‘Simmi aur unconfident – Jamta nahi hai ‘ so I tried my hands on painting took 2-3 days to make around 20 cards .. ..  it was very satisfying :)

It was already 21st evening after first 2 activity then came the next ‘farmaish’ … Simmi what about cakes!  … So , I said lets get some stuff for cake and will start baking at night , started off with simple plain cakes to be given to our friends and in next 2-3 days would have baked 5-6 cakes Plain and Plum , Plum cake Esther helped me with cutting and mixing all the dry fruits … That night we had Carol coming at our home for the first time in 7 yrs  ..… Esther and Eze both were so excited and Esther commented this is real Christmas !

It was already 22nd morning and Esther told again … mummy why don’t we put crib … I promised rd we put up the crib by evening. Esther placed the sheep and the shepherds and the wise men and Mary and Joseph , we told her Baby jesus should be kept 24th night :)  ..
we will put the crib this time but we will have to build it  … we decided we will buy the ‘Crib Set’ and check out options of  ‘buying hay and the Crib’ so after Sunday service , me and kids went to the local market near the church, it was crowded and everybody was purchasing for Christmas, we bought  crib set (which I felt was exuberantly priced :( ) and when we checked out options of ‘Hay and Crib’ I decided we will make the crib ourselves with what ever material we have at home .. Esther was not so sure if that would happen …  What ever … we came home and by evening Anil and I collected some twigs, long grass , and next day on 23

24th morning I went to the local market, got some Tapioca (Kappa), fish
(meen) and some vegetables , thought will check out chicken later – but later that day we decided we don’t want chicken – went for the Christmas service around 6:30 pm , its 4 hour long service which starts with evening Prayer, burning of the Palm leaves , Christmas specific service and the Holy mass – surprisingly kids were very patient and attended the 4 hour service without getting much distracted , we reached home around 10:45 , dropping one of our family friend , and 11 pm we had 'Kappa Meen' for dinner … next day morning Esther Kept the Baby Jesus in the crib and we had Appam Veg Stew made at home for breakfast and afternoon lunch with another family friend at their home with their parents …  What more could I have asked for ……absolutely lovely Christmas,  No wonder Ezekiel wants the star to be around …….


  1. And that is how a festival should be celebrated. At our end, we got our first ever real christmas tree and I think we have got hooked to the real deal now. It looks beautiful, feels nicer and smells magic. Maya and Amit did all the decoration stuff with tinsel, wooden decors and I looked aftere the baking. Santa got his lot of cupcakes and iced cookies and Reindeers had the oat and carrot feed ready in the garden to munch on!.

    Family came over for some roast dinner and in the middle of sharing crackers and telling each other bad jokes!, it was absolutely wonderful. enjoyed every minute of it. My best moment personally was when, the littlest one of the guest ( 3 years) was gobsmacked that the reindeers actually ate her carrot peice and Santa drank from the cup of milk she placed . :))

  2. Lovely Arati - yes that's how the festival should be celebrated :)
