Friday, October 6, 2017

Aleveni enthu Cheyuvu - Swathi Padam

I have heard this Swathi padam before, I guess it was in mohiniyattam performance, I never understood the lyrics well and the concentration was always on the dance. Happen to hear the contemporary version of this song, sung by Bhadhra and had to google for lyrics and meaning. One of the best of Swathi padams, noted for its bhava as well as the literary beauty … The traditional version is equally captivating 

Oh ALIVENI!- tresses having the hue of black bee! Alas! What shall I do now? Oh MANINI- the respectable lady! Lotus-eyed SRI PADMANAHA has not come yet! What shall I do?
Oh KOMALANGI- having a charming form! Tell me, what is the use of all these? The humming of the bees, the gentle breeze, sandal paste and the fragrant flowers like jasmine etc., if my beloved does not turn up?
I do not know who is the blessed damsel on this earth, enjoying the company of SARASAKSHA, the one who resembles Cupid! I keep looking out for Him to come by the usual path. I cannot see, as my eyes are brimming with tears.
Has my darling forgotten all the sweet words he uttered when we were together? Oh KAMBUKANTHI -one with a neck like a conch! Don't delay anymore. Please tell Him my miserable state and bring Him at once to me.

You can check out for other padamas and keerthanas.

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