Thursday, October 19, 2017

Hidden Figures - Girls can do the maths !

Started hearing about this movie during Oscar time this year. And then I got to see the trailers and clippings and I knew I had to watch this movie soon. ‘Hidden Figures’ is story about mathematicians, engineers, computer analysts working in NASA during  Cold War  time period and the protagonists are all Women !  And its not just about 1-3 women, its one room full of ‘black’ women brilliant in mathematics and that too during 1960s -1970s time period.  

This is one movie I want Esther to watch sometime soon. While in school I had this fear for Mathematics and it was only when I reached 10th grade that I started working on my fear and started finding mathematics interesting, so much so that I decided to take Maths for my graduation, but its was during my BSc days I felt that learning all the theorems and hypothesis is kind of useless as I am never going to use these things practically – so by the end of 2nd year I was sure I didn’t want to do Masters in Mathematics. It is sad  that most of us (students in my course) felt the same and we did not know about the options and opportunities or potential of learning maths and except for 20% students who did Masters in Maths others opted for other courses like – MCA, MSc IT, MS, MBA etc. And off the 20% who took PG in maths 80% of them are into teaching (at least in my batch), I don’t know if anyone went into ‘Applied Mathematics’ field. 

In the past when Esther felt that Mathematics is too tough for her and started developing initial fear for the subject, I sat with her and told her how even I felt the same and how I worked out to overcome my fear of maths. She is comfortable in maths as of today and whenever she gets stuck she asks for help (which is encouraging sign). I just hope she wont try to avoid maths because of the fear it is tough, and I hope she will never say that what she has learnt is of no use. I want her to see the movie to know that women are brilliant with numbers and they pretty well know how and where to use the ‘hidden figures’ J

You can watch this movie here -  :)

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