Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The 13th Floor.

Recently I met a person who teaches foreign language at an institute through my daughter’s teacher. Coincidently we came to know that the same person (lady) would be accompanying students from Trivandrum for a week long outstation camp. Since she lives quite close to our place, we offered to pick her up from her apartment for the early morning flight. We took her address and reached 5 minutes early. Not seeing her at the lobby and forgetting to take my mobile - I checked the Flat owners display board and saw ‘her’ flat is on the 12th floor. Took lift reached 12th floor and rang bell, it took almost 1 minute for the door to open and within that 60 seconds I realized this cannot be the flat, as someone who is to take early morning flight would probably be ready at the door step.

Sheepishly lady opened the door (I heard 3 bolts and a lock clicking) I asked if the person I was looking for was in this flat, and the lady in her half sleep said no she is in 13th floor same number series with a suffix 1 that is 13th floor flats are numbered – 12 A1, 12 B1, 12 C1 etc. I sincerely apologized for disturbing her weekend sleep and walked a floor up only to find that my Lady had already gone down to the lobby. In the whole processes almost 10 minutes were gone and I came down to find that everyone in the car were waiting for me ! J

 The builder (of the apartment) is very well known in the Luxury and premium sector and has many  projects in Trivandrum, wondering if all these flats have same Floor numbering series – will double check next time if I get an address as on 12th Floor ;) 

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