Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rebel ?

We all have some sort of rebel in us … When I think of rebel different picture come to my mind .. Unruly children, always arguing, questioning , resisting … or youngster marching on street red head bands … on the lighter side Character of Zeenat Amaan in “Dam Maro Dam” Song :) .. then there is another picture, likes of Binayak Sen , Medha Patkar … these are the faces which come into my mind as part of rebel movement who knew what they want to rebel against . and how they want the result to be and the way to achieve it, this sort of rebel comes with maturity with experience and understanding of what happening around you ….

Most of the time you start rebelling for your needs and wants , for your identity , and when you see that you are not being heard or understood , you too try to show that you care a hoot for others .. the most common things we end up doing are things we are expected not to do .. “Don’t lie “ you will lie about most of the things and you will tell truth about those things which others don’t want to hear , “Don’t Argue” you argue, “Be considerate” – you will be your hostile best ….“Don’t go around with so and so friend “ you will ensure that you are seen with that person , and you start disobeying Rules or orders - -- One of the most common thing guys do (well in saying guys as they are seen more ) smoking :D Well smoking is not always as part of rebel alone, its about freedom, its about relieving stress, or just for break , or started for fun , and then it Just like our freedom of expression and speech it becomes our part , and some how I feel that is one very common way of showing your rebel inside … (this is strictly my opinion, am no psychologist or expert :) )

Let me be frank , I am very comfortable with smokers around and most of the time during Tea breaks at work I am with my colleagues at smoking zones – Like the Tappri Calfornya , or outside pantry , where people take smoke breaks .. we are group of 4-5 colleagues and good friends and not all of us are smokers .. and most of the time I am shooed off from the area saying “Sis – its not good for you , you have a small baby ..” and I just tell them ... already lot of poison in air , some more smoke is going to be just fine .. and honestly I don’t care what people think when they see me in the smoking zone … No I am not trying to be “Kwel” about smoking , all I am saying is am tolerant about smoking and smokers and I don’t mind people around smoking .. .. I feel it is less harmful than “Chuglee karma” :D

My colleagues with whom I go for tea break I call them my “Brother Gang” and it very interesting grop – I feel like the youngest sister of 4-5 brothers except for Aamir (who does not smoke) and Shamu (who is a steamer) others are elder to me Matt, Dani, Ramu and they are always concerned about me and I tell them to relax :Din this group we have perfect balance of smokers and non smokers and nobody preachers each other of good or bad of not smoking or smoking , but they do try to call me for Tea after they are done with smoking – shooing me off saying that I will have to pay them for all the smoke I inhale for free , telling me all the ill effects of smoking that too now when I am nursing mother …and I just tell them I am fine and want to be with them for breaks .. they get me all my fav snacks , I get share of mint and chewing gum along with the "dhua” we talk and bitch about “Ye Saali Zindagi aur Kaam” curse our stars and Kundali and then “Phikarr ko dhuye mein Udaa” apni zindagi pe mazaak Udaa kar , dil khol ke hans karr – we get back to our work :) I did realise that there is so much of brotherhood among smokers , anybody will give a “Cigarette for Udhaar” anybody will give light to Cigarette , irrespective of their roles at work this place everybody is actually equal no sort of barrier at all (any sort age, religion caste, politics..) and perfect networking , like one recruiter (smoker) said I get lot of candidates and resume while at the smoking zone :D as I said I am not advocating that smoking is fine but I think its ok to be tolerant .. there are many things which are not correct and harmful to us but somewhere we can decide what is the acceptance level .. well, one can decide to be 0 tolerant also but then lets not have all negative or strong perceptions about the smokers around …. Maybe they are just burning a part of the rebel inside …. :)

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