Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Donating I

Read news article  some days back - 18 month old girl's eye donated  - Hanna who was suffering from heart ailment had a sudden death and her parents thought of donating her eyes - they called up the doctor and expressed their wish to donate their daughter's eyes ... something which surprised the doctors  .... as most of the time its the parents who do not support decision of donating eye (or any other organ) by the dear ones ... 
"Anilji when I die dont bury me , donate my eyes and burn me" this is something which I remind Anil once in a while since last 6-7 years. Anil used to get irritated initially on this topic ... but down the years , he kind of accepted this as my 'little crazy' side ... Now he tells 'Why should you waste your body by burning, you should give it to Medical College'  - Wow why didnt I think about it -  is the expression I give to him ! :)  And I say thats even better idea :) If not when Alive atleast after death if any part of mine can be of any help to others, then why not ....

Sometime back we had Eye Donation - Awareness session at our office, though i could not attend the session , during those days I had talk with my friend (who has seen life atleast 2 decades more than me) in office and told him that I would like to donate my eyes after death - He gave me a sarcastic look and said - if you really want to help somebody why wait for death ? His point of view was - giving something which you dont need and saying that as donation is not donation - you want to give organ give when you are alive, piece of your liver, one of your kidney, or one of your eye  and so on :)  ... his view was, saying that one has donated eyes - after death - is more like style statement , because after death its only if your family allows, that your eyes will be taken  ... which I realised was right ... and when I asked what about donating the dead body to Medical college - he said "Who wants Dead Bodies?!" --  He then added -  "When you are dead you should get  funeral fit for king "  Well I did not have much to say after that :)

After reading Hanna's arcticle, I felt good that there are people who do think and do what they believe in - Making world a little better place for others even when they are gone ...

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