Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Decisions - Resolutions ..

Taking decision - most of the time not very easy, and what ever we are in our life is because of the decisions we made, the options we chose. Good or bad , our decision - our life. At younger age our decisions are guided and most of the time taken by our parents :) When we grow older and independent we get, rather we have to make/take our own decisions, the fact is our decisions are still influenced by people or situation around us, but our decision is our decision, decisions which we are destined to take :)

By the time I finished college and started working, I was on my own, independent, confident , and with energy and conviction that I can change my life and the world around :) I took decisions of my life, good or bad i was not sure, right or wrong I didn’t know, but some decisions i took because i had to do what my heart wanted - defying lot of reasoning which my brain sighted .. looking back, every time i took a decision (which most of my friends thought was crazy or too risky) which were not too easy to take, i went through phase of self criticizing for the options i chose - worrying if what i did was right , analysing - 'what if scenarios' :)  Now i realise why i dont have much hair left on my head !! :D
Am sure most of us have gone through situations when we tried making our friend understand situation and try to influence the person's decision and feeling irritated and frustrated when the friend refused to change his/her mind/decision .. its during once such situation that i realised, its destiny... we should hear the other persons view and we should talk our mind out but the 'decision' that’s something the individual will take and guess the decision will be as destined .. .. :)

Beginning of every new year , lot of people would have taken lot of resolutions , some have taken the resolution of not taking any resolution :) whatever let it be, but most of us hope that new year will bring new hopes , more prosperity, peaceful and successful life - some would have decided to learn something new, some would have decided to aim for better opportunities, some would have decided to cut down on their hectic schedule and some would have decided to be more busy and some would have decided to change nothing and continue doing whatever they are doing in same pace - Best wishes to all - What I plan to do this year ? I am trying to figure out :D All i am hoping for is -let me be thankful to god for giving me one more day , with time let me become little better person, let me share little more love, let me bring little more smile to people around, let me understand my kids better , let me spend more time with my family, let me stand firmer for what i believe in and Let me be a better Me :) Wishing you all a great year ahead :)

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